diablo water Board Noteworthy 2020
1st by-District elections for DWD, Historically 1st in Oakley area, huge success. Both elected Directors were Sierra Club endorsees!
District 1 Representative - Marilyn Tiernan
District 5 Representative - Joe Kovalick
RATE INCREASE: You might have heard that out-going Board President Hobbs rammed his untimely and ill-advised Rate Increase through the board, potentially wasting tens-of-thousands of rate-payers dollars. Hopefully we can stave this off until we can create a more equitable solution and timely adoption. Preliminary Charts & Discussion
Talking BONDS: We consolidated outstanding Debt and Took $4 Million to Purchase and rebuild Diablo Water's Corpyard where we store equipment.
BCDC - Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) protects and enhances San Francisco Bay and encourages the Bay's responsible and productive use for this and future generations.
Next Diablo Water Board Meeting
December 16 at 7:30 pm
Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, Local Health Order, and the Governor’s Health Order, the SpecialMeeting of the Board of Directors of Diablo Water District will be held on November 18, 2020 at 7:30pm, and will only be available via conference call / web.
Dial in Number: 1-949-346-1487
Conference ID: #TBD
Unable to attend meeting? Submit comments
Congratulations to the newly elected Diablo Water Directors...
Join us December 16th at 7:30PM as Directors Marilyn Tiernan, Joe Kovalick and Scott Pastor take their oaths of office.
This board will usher in a new era of public dialog, respectful conversation and deliberation at District Meetings.
Congrats and Welcome
The current variable RATE is based on UNITS. One UNIT = 100 cubic foot = 748 gallons. We call this a UNIT. One UNIT = 100 cubic feet of water. Which is 748 gallons.
If your bill says you USED 1 UNIT for the month... then you used 748 gallons for the month. [This is an industry standard]
The first 8 units you use cost $3.22 per unit, [$3.22/Unit up to 8 UNITS.]
After 8 units, it goes up to $3.80 per unit. Over 8 UNITS will cost $3.80/Unit.
It is said that a family of 4 uses 400 gallon per day.
30days x 400gal = 12,000gal/mo ... 12,000gal/748gal = 16 UNITS
16 UNITS = First 8 Unit X $3.22 = $25.76 Second 8 Unit X $3.80 = $30.40 Volume charge for 16 Units $56.16
We charge a FLAT fee of about $16/month for Single Family Homes. So, for 16 Units you will pay about $56.16 + $16 = $72.32
Know Your Local Water Groups

Groundwater Stakeholder Input Wanted
Sustainability Groundwater Management Act [SGMA]
East Contra Costa Integrated Regional Water Management
Water provider for Bethel Island, Knightsen & Oakley.
Ratepayers and effected well owners vote for 5 at-large Directors to represent them
Water Groups working together to make Smarter Science-based Water decisions & increase clout and share resources: common Acquifer: formally the Tracy subbasin
Diablo Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency
Water provider for Bethel Island, Knightsen & Oakley.
Ratepayers and effected well owners vote for 5 at-large Directors to represent them
East Contra Costa Groundwater Sustainability Management Group
Water provider for Bethel Island, Knightsen & Oakley.
Ratepayers and effected well owners vote for 5 at-large Directors to represent them
URGENT: Groundwater Stakeholder Input Wanted

SGMA: just being BLUNT
✓ SGMA will affect your groundwater pumping
✓ SGMA establishes new responsibilities to share groundwater
✓ SGMA will change how we use land and water
✓ SGMA does not change water rights

Sustainability Groundwater Management Act [SGMA]
The East Contra Costa Subbasin Groundwater Management Group will be crafting a Plan to Sustainably Manage the entire East County Subbasin/Aquifer. And while the group is comprised of Antioch, Byron-Bethany IG, Brentwood, CCWD, Contra Costa, Diablo Water, Discovery Bay, ECC Irrigation District and everywhere in East County; I have been fighting to make sure that the area's Domestic Well Owners know about this and have a voice.
Many people in Eastern Contra Costa still use well water; one of the promises I made while on the campaign trail was to protect the rights of well owners to draft water from the local aquifer... and to protect the quality of that water supply.
I have met with many families that wish to continue to remain independent; and maintain the well usage life-style... they understand the Public Trust Doctrine: basically water resources are owned by the public and held in trust for the public by the state and local governments for the benefit of all present and future citizens. The government does not "own" the water like it owns land for parks and forests, but is empowered to manage and maintain water resources ensuring to ensure long-term quality and sustainability for the public. . This relationship is rooted in Roman law

December 2020: Director Seger votes against Hobb's Rate increase
December 2018: Director Seger is the only elected official from any jurisdicion to speak out and vote against Oakley's Woodcreek Oaks Petroleum, Inc. (Gas Station project at 2140 Laurel Road ARCO AM/PM read more
Important Quicklinks
Knightsen Wetland Restoration Project
Bethel Island: Franks Tract Futures
Oakley Development
Brentwood: NO on L
New Democratic Election
Process Being Discussed.

Instead of At-Large elections make your Representatives more accountable to your neighborhoods!
Public Hearing for By-Division Elections Pre-Map Creation

In response to the California Voters Right Act, the Diablo Water District took action in December 2018 to transition the District from at-large elections to by-division elections. The District’s demographer (Cooperative Strategies) will provide an overview of the map creation process. Once this is complete, input will be sought from the Directors and public on possible area boundaries.
Motivate efficient and sustainable use of water; hold all users accountable to reasonable consumption levels; implement and enforce regulations for groundwater use that includes full usage documentation
January: Director Seger the only dissenting vote against the Diablo Water RATE Increase.
My first concern was that we are not assisting disparaged income customers. We need to help those who are facing difficult times financially NOW!
Diablo's rate model should significantly reward those who make deep cuts in water use. Very large water users [developers, irrigation should be monitored carefully... they should pay the highest rates. (But not conscientious local "AG limited"/farmers.)
"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho Marx
"... but this time I made an exception."
- Director Seger